e-Mobility Expo & Open Day 2024
“The Future is Green; The Future is Now.”
A sustainable & scalable e-Mobility Ecosystem
The Government of Uganda through the Science, Technology and Innovation Secretariat - Office of the President has taken definitive steps towards building a sustainable and scalable e-Mobility Ecosystem. The Government in the National e-Mobility Strategy aims at positioning Uganda as a net source rather than a consumer of e-Mobility Solutions in Africa. Kiira Motors Corporation, a State Mobility Enterprise was established to champion value addition in the nascent Motor Vehicle Industry in Uganda through Technology Transfer, Contract Manufacturing and Supply Chain Localization.
National E-Mobility Strategy
The National e-Mobility Strategy has been developed through a multi-sectoral approach by: Science, Technology and Innovation Secretariat – Office of the President; Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development; Ministry of Works and Transport; Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development; Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives; Ministry of Kampala Capital City Authority and Metropolitan Affairs; Ministry of Local Government; Ministry of Education and Sports; and National Planning Authority.