Title: First Lady Launches ILEAD Programme
Page: 2
Summary: The Institute for Leadership Excellence and Development Programme (ILEAD), which targets children in primary and secondary schools, aims to equip them with leadership skills, enabling them to serve and influence their peers responsibly.
Title: Government Courts Astrazeneca to Curb Non-Communicable Diseases
Page: 4
Summary: Astrazeneca, in collaboration with the health ministry and the Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau (UPMB), has unveiled a health programme aimed at tackling the burden of non-communicable diseases. The collaboration, which is an extension of the Healthy Heart Africa (HA) programme, will tackle the burden of chronic kidney disease, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases in Uganda.
Title: Government Starts Pensioners Headcount
Page: 5
Summary: The government has announced a countrywide headcount of all pensioners in a revived bid to weed out ghosts and curb corruption in the sector.
Title: Government to Restore Mt Elgon Ecosystem
Page: 28
Summary: An estimated 2,500 ha of forest land will be restored, while 3,000 ha will be supported for agroforestry practices, rehabilitation, and erosion control at degraded sites.